Thursday, May 20, 2010

Journey to freedom... Becoming a true gift for others.

Alright, I've decided to blog again haha...

Today has been a really great day. Full of learning, mostly about myself, how I used to run my life... Well, I still do. But I'm on my way out of it.

I'm on my way to freedom.

That will be the day... reminiscing a past movie called braveheart, where he shout's FREEDOMM!!!

I would also declare freedom from all my defects, and in turn to live a life motivated by love, and never again by fear.

What I learned today. Just in case I might forget, I will note them down here.

That when I work on one part of myself, focus on that one thing which I will let go. That one part of the system of fear in me, which I will gently challenge.
The whole system of fear get's shaken up and weakens...

Another is turn a negative into a learning...
Instead of envying, become interested and learn..

I learned that, I tend to take attention as a substitute from real love...
So I'm letting that go. Slowly, gently, then I can be ready for the real thing itself.

Also when I fear, I tend to focus on myself, how I can benefit, how I must do something in order to prevent loss. It's all about me, me, me, and me...
So I'm letting that go as well... Turning the focus on the interest of the other, for the good of the other... To focus on how I can bless instead.

When I'm desperate for something, I learned that I can become overbearing... And I actually push the other away, instead of attracting.

Lastly, I learned that, all those things such as judging others, putting them down, paranoia, etc. are really just symptoms of what is really pushing the mind, which is either fear, inferiority feelings, hate (misguided love), and guilt, the four principal troublemakers in the realm of the personal subconscious.

Thanks to my spiritual director/ psychologist priest friend (Well, he's not really a psychologist, but he has gone through these things and so he is able to help me.), I'm finding value in myself, and I am on my way to freedom.

To be free to love, just as Jesus loved.
To be free to live a life of love...

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Online Passive Income Passion: Opportunities are Real on the Web

Online Passive Income Passion: Opportunities are Real on the Web

Starting again! and Things that I have learned...


It's been a very long time since I've written here.

Well to start it off again, I will just jot down whatever I have learned so far.

It's really hard to do God's job. That is to change a person. It's just really frustrating. At the end even God does not force a person to change. I guess our job is to love the person for who they are, and just gently prod them, correct them. Just listen to them, to pray for them, and just love them. And let God be the one stir the person's heart.

Hmm... What else have I learned?
Oh yeah... about love.
Real Love only seeks the good of the other... meaning unconditional love. Not expecting anything back. Which is really hard, because as complex human beings, we need to feel loved. But I guess as we grow with age, spiritually, mentally and relationally. And of course with the help of the Holy Spirit. We will do just that. Real love.
So if everyone gives love without expecting anything, it seems to me everyone will be satisfied, because everyone will be loving each other.

Next one would be...
Judging a person. We really can't judge a "book by it's cover."
We just don't know what really is going on in the background, or what's going on the person's mind. We might as well be projecting on the person what we think may be going on, which might be a part of us that we are projecting, or what we project may not necessarily be true.

Most Sicknesses are psychosomatic. Meaning, sickness coming from repressed emotions.
When we repress our emotion, we kick it back into our subconscious. And then these emotions come back to haunt us as sicknesses.
What our emotions are, are actually signals on where we can grow. We have to listen to them, and acknowledge them. Not necessarily act on them. Just do the wisest thing, and what is right.
Hmm why we do this, is because we can endure physical hurt better than an emotional hurt.

Most of what I've learned is from the books that I read, and seeing them actually happen in real life heheh...

Hope you've learned something new! =)